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RTX logo on wall at RTX location

Investor Relations

RTX is a global company with +30 years of extensive experience and knowledge in designing and manufacturing advanced wireless short-range radio systems and products. Our heritage has provided us with a unique combination of software and hardware capabilities, which RTX leverages with globally recognized customers. Our business model and strategy for profitable growth build our unique core capabilities – Wireless Wisdom – which we deploy across multiple attractive B2B target markets via an ODM/OEM model. This model secures recurring revenue and increased resource scalability.

Company Announcements

RTX CA No 02-2025 - 16.01.2025 - Death

PDF | 0.09 mb


RTX CA No 01-2025 - 08.01.2025 - Notice of AGM With Agenda And Complete Proposals

PDF | 0.22 mb


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Share Information

RTX A/S is listed on Nasdaq Copenhagen (ISIN DK0010267129). The shares have been listed since 2000. RTX’s share price and share data can be found via the following link.

Share Information

Shareholders Portal

In the Shareholders Portal you can find an overview of your RTX shares and register for participation in General Assembly if you are a named sharerholder.

Shareholders Portal

Major Investors

The following shareholders hold shares that either carry at least 5% of the voting rights of the share capital or have a nominal value of at least 5% of the share capital: 

Jens Hansen      I      Jens Toftgaard Petersen      I      Fundamental Invest      I      ATP      I     RTX A/S

Analyst Coverage

Analyst Coverage Danske Bank’s research on RTX is commissioned and is available via Danske Bank: Link to analyst reports





Danske Bank Poul Ernst Jessen poer@danskebank.dk +45 45 12 80 48


Investor Relations Policy

It is RTX's objective to ensure that the stock market’s players receive a proper level of information for the purpose of creating a basis for fair pricing of the Company’s shares – a pricing which constantly reflects the Group’s strategy, financial ability and expectations for the future. The flow of information contributes to reducing the company-specific risk related to investments in the Company’s shares, so that the Group’s cost of capital can be reduced as much as possible.

It is RTX's policy that during meetings with investors and analysts or statements to the press, the Executive Management does not comment on the company’s future financial outlook.

The Group also uses its website to communicate with the stock market. The website contains further information about the Group and its business areas.

Investor Relations Contacts

Contact information

Mille Tram Lux, CFO

  • Email: ir@rtx.dk
  • Phone: +45 9632 2300
  • Address: Stroemmen 6, 9400 Noerresundby, Denmark

Inquiries regarding shareholding and the stock register can be addressed to: VP Securities A/S, Nicolai Eigtveds Gade 8, 1402 Copenhagen K, Denmark Phone: +45 4358 8866